What Do Dietary Minerals Do?

The dietary minerals are a group of compounds required by the body for various processes. They are usually available from a normal diet, but nutritional supplements can be taken to make sure adequate quantities are available. This is not an exhaustive list, but describes the main actions of most common dietary minerals.

Chlorides, such as common salt for example are a major factor in the production of digestive juices, and are vital to nerve and cell function. They are present in all the bodily fluids.

Calcium is well known to be necessary for healthy, strong bones and teeth, but it also is essential in blood clotting, nervous function and many hormones.

Iron is principally used to transport oxygen around the body in the blood, and also is essential for cell growth.

Iodine is only needed in small amounts, but is vital in the processes regulating body temperature, growth and metabolism.

Magnesium is involved in almost all the processes in the body. It forms a large part of the bones but is present throughout the body helping muscles to work, aiding the immune system, allowing nerve function and helping control the heart rhythm.

Copper is essential for building blood vessels, tendons and cartilage, it is needed for bones and it is important in processing iron.

Zinc is also used in many chemical reactions in the body, it is necessary for growth and a healthy immune system, and it is largely responsible for our sense of smell and taste. Zinc is not stored in the body, so regular intake is required making it a good candidate for nutritional supplements.

Sodium is required for nerve function and it regulates blood pressure and fluid levels in the body.

Molybdenum is needed in tiny amounts to create certain enzymes which are important in the human body’s waste disposal processes.

Specific minerals are often taken as supplements, to ensure an adequate supply; it is common to find them in combination with vitamin supplements.

Nutritional Supplements can aid our health without a doubt. Critics often write that vitamin supplements are a waste of money and time when in reality nothing could be further from the truth. Their benefit has been researched and tested to great effect.

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