Why Vitamins and Minerals Are Important to Your Body

From when I was in the lower classes I always heard my teacher say that Vitamins and minerals control the proper functioning of the body. With time, and after a lot of learning, I have realized that this is absolutely true. Vitamins are mainly gotten from the normal food that we eat, there are some foods that are richer in vitamins and minerals than others depending on the nature of that food. One cannot overlook the relationship between vitamins and minerals. vitamins are organic structures while minerals are inorganic; but they are both usually taken from plants that process them from the soil and through the process of photosynthesis. Very often the action of certain minerals is closely interconnected with that of specific vitamins; thus calcium, for instance, which is crucial in bone development and maintenance, is processed only in the presence of vitamin D3.

Vitamins and minerals are also important in improving the body’s immune system since the body requires them for growth and development. Maybe you already know what a rich source of vitamin A carrots are, but these vegetables also bring an important mineral supplementation to one’s diet too. Without vitamins and minerals life wouldn’t be possible for plants either, which explains their richness of structure. Even if vitamins and minerals are necessary at all ages, it is nonetheless true that during the growth period of a human being, the body is excessively engaged and the need for nutrients is definitely higher than during old age.

Unprocessed foods like fruits and vegetables, whole bread, dairy products, fish, red and white meat are all rich sources of vitamins and minerals, ensuring the proper working of the body. It is important to note that, if you eat a balanced diet you will seldom need vitamins and minerals as supplements; but do not trick yourself into thinking that you’ll get any of these substances by having junk food and cookies every day. Such products, like many others of the same sort are rich in fat and calories but they definitely offer very limited nutritional value. If you are a vegetarian or a vegan, then you may have some troubles with nutrition.

A balanced diet is important for a body to function properly. Different foods produce varying amounts of vitamins and minerals. Plants also produce varying amounts of vitamins at different stages of growth apart from B12 for example . Its important to note the fact that certain vitamins and minerals like iron, zinc and calcium are usually found in eggs, meat and fish. But then, vitamin B12, for example, is not present under vegetable form, it can only be taken from eggs and dairy products. You may also happen to find it in fortified cereals, but make sure to carefully read the label and find this mention in the instructions. Therefore, under such circumstances, the solution for maintaining a proper body system would be to administrate vitamins and minerals as supplements.

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