Alternative Treatment For High Blood Pressure – Isn’t it Time You Got Rid of the Pills?

Alternative treatment for high blood pressure is an option for many persons suffering from hypertension. Alternative treatments focus on the cause of high blood pressure rather than masking or manipulating the body’s response to the condition as pharmaceuticals do. The idea is to not only control the disease but to reverse it.

This holistic approach concerns itself with the behaviors that probably created the condition in the first place. Alternative treatment focuses on diet, exercise and controlling stress. If these behaviors can be modified, blood pressure will return to normal levels.

Diet Got You Here. Eat Your Way Back To Normal!

Our typical Western diet is rich in sodium, fats and cholesterol and deficient in many critical vitamins and minerals. It wasn’t always this way. However, with the advances in technology in the agricultural industry, food processing industry and food preparation techniques we now eat food that literally didn’t exist 80 years ago. Unfortunately, our bodies have not adapted to these new advances and actually rebels at being fed food we were not designed to eat.

To reverse this condition, alternative treatments focus on fresh fruits and vegetables and the replacement of undesirable foods with healthier choices. There is an accepted standard for a heart healthy diet and it’s called the DASH diet. It’s not radical but it does replace foods high in dangerous fats, salt, and bad cholesterol with foods that are heavy in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. An example would be the replacement of red meat with lean white meat, poultry or cold water fish.

Just Like In Sports, You Can Walk It Off

Strengthening the heart muscle will allow it to pump easier and more efficiently which will reduce blood pressure. This is particularly important for the diastolic pressure. If the heart is to weak to pump all the blood out of the chamber, this will limit the amount of new blood being taken in from the blood vessels. Now there is more volume in the blood stream causing higher pressure. In addition, not being able to empty the chamber can lead to congestive heart failure.

The best way to exercise the heart is mild aerobic workouts like brisk walking or riding a bike. Swimming is also an excellent way to get the heart rate up. While this may sound counter productive, the benefits are immediate. Exercise is the fastest way to lower pressure and burn off stress hormones. It also rewards you with feel good endorphins.

Find The Time To Do Nothing

It is a real challenge for most people to find alone time. What passes for alone time today is the daily commute and the use of a bathroom. Pretty sad. You need to find some space and time that you can use to reflect. You can use stress management tools like deep breathing, yoga or brain entraining CDs and mp3s to get a handle on stress and manage it efficiently. This is probably the hardest part of the treatment simply because our culture is so fast track.

So that’s what makes up alternative treatment for high blood pressure. You don’t have to dive in head first, you can eas into it if you like. However, it’s important to remember that these three areas work together to lower pressure. Just focusing on one area will not give you the results tou are looking for.

If you want to be free from your daily medication you can. It’s all up to you and how bad you want it.

Did you know that an alternative treatment for blood pressure can lower your pressure as much as 20 points in three weeks? Would you like to find out how? You can get a step by step guide by visiting right now!

About Cure HBP

Natural treatment for hypertension, proven to work remedy, offers full 60 day course to start controlling your blood pressure with no drugs and medications