Hypertension Pressure Must Be Controlled

Are you one of the millions of people suffering with hypertension or high blood pressure? You might be and not even know it. The statistics are pretty depressing actually showing that nearly one third of the population of the United States suffers from hypertension pressure problems. In this article I will give you some tips on how to get control of your hypertension pressure. It could save your life!

Blood pressure is actually quite simple to understand, It is the force of blood through your arteries. When your heart beats, blood flows through your arteries with force. This force is known as your systolic blood pressure.

When your heart relaxes after each beat, the force of the blood flow drops (and this is known as your diastolic blood pressure).

Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is when your body suffers from a chronic state of elevated pressure in the arteries. Which means that you are a person with systolic and/or diastolic blood pressures consistently above the normal range (120/80 mm Hg) and you are said to have hypertension.

This is no laughing matter as hypertension pressure must be controlled before it leads to more serious, possibly even life-threatening disease.

Let’s look then at some simple tips or remedies for you to use for getting your hypertension pressure under control once and for all.

CoQ10 – a natural antioxidant has been shown to have properties that benefit heart health and help with hypertension as well. Garlic – Garlic has many beneficial properties, one of which relates here and that is that it acts as a blood thinner. Due to this fact, if you are already taking prescribed blood thinners you should consult with your doctor about this. Fish Oil – Your can find this in supplement form to take Folic Acid – Has been shown in studies to lower blood pressure So there you have 4 natural remedies that you can use to get your hypertension pressure under control. One note of caution however, whatever you do, please do it gradually and with the supervision of your doctor as you could make matters worse if you overdo this. Remember to always seek out natural remedies for conditions that affect your or your loved ones.

For a FREE report on Disease Prevention,10 Natural Ways, visit http://www.TopNaturalRemedies.com.Visit Top Natural Remedies now to learn about this condition and what Cures Hypertension

About Cure HBP

Natural treatment for hypertension, proven to work remedy, offers full 60 day course to start controlling your blood pressure with no drugs and medications