Improve Brain Health – Try Omega 3 Oils

The tried and true supplement to improve brain health has been cod liver oil – a traditional natural remedy. Not only is it abundant for omega 3 oils, but it also has a healthy dose of vitamin D, a powerful health booster. The vitamin D deficiency related conditions range from cancer to bone loss. With brain, bone and immune function related to good fatty acids why not get both every day in one little teaspoon.

Cod liver oil, these days is delivered purified of mercury and other contaminants. Ingesting liquid fish oil may not sound too pleasant. However, many brands offer a range of flavors that will allow both children and adults to take it without effort.

Vitamin D triggers the digestive tract to assimilate calcium, and then further, helps deliver it to the bones.

Lack of Vitamin D has been related to breast cancer, and other immune problems.

Vitamin helps regulate blood pressure. In fact high blood pressure in pregnant women has been related to Vitamin D deficiency.

In medical studies, the heart’s inability to recovery from a heart attack is also related to a Vitamin D deficiency.

It is so easy to find a good cod liver oil natural supplement. Why risk your or your family’s health to any lack?

Purified fish oils have become the norm. Medical doctors are apprised of the risks of eating fish more than two-three times a week, because of the pollution of our oceans.

As we age, our skin’s ability to manufacture Vitamin D from sunlight decreases. Being aware of the need to supplement this vitamin may increase our chances of avoiding cancer, cardiovascular disease, depression, and more.

Investing in our health takes some time to stay informed, and yet takes so little if we do not hesitate to get omega 3 oils to improve brain health.

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