Pregnancy Induced Hypertension

Most of the times this pregnancy induced hypertension will not allow the mother to continue her daily routines. Hypertension due to pregnancy has affected some women.

Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH) also sometimes referred to as preeclampsia or toxemia occurs in about 5 to 10 percent of pregnancies. Chronic hypertension varies from PIH in that it is normally present prior to pregnancy.

Mother and baby face serious health problems due to both these conditions. There also some cases about gestational high blood pressure. This condition do not carry the same risk but it may lead to PIH.

The problems carried by PIH are:

When there is a reduction in blood flow, it can affect the baby. High blood pressure prevents blood to carry normally to all body parts.

Reduced blood flow can cause Placental abrutpion, premature abruption from the placenta. Also the needed amount of nutrition will not reach the baby. And this may lead to an underdeveloped baby.

PIH may lead to mother or baby’s death, if it is not treated.

These are the symptoms of PIH:

blurry vision extreme swelling – especially in the ankles protein in the urine increased blood pressure

But there are many symptoms that are considered while diagnosing PIH.

These systems may result in regular trips to the doctor for monitoring to determine if PIH has developed is or likely to develop.


Once the delivery of the baby happens, for most people PIH gets cured. The baby is not usually developed enough though until near the end of pregnancy for this option to be viable.

In some serious cases they might need to get admitted in hospital. Complete rest in bed is advised for most of the PIH patients.

The stress of a complicated pregnancy affects not just the mother, but those who love them especially the father or partner. I’ve spoken with a number of fathers whose own blood pressure soared as a result of such stress and tension during pregnancy.

The health of a pregnant women can be increased by bringing down their tensions. Many babies born in a healthy state leaves their parents glad after a complicated pregnancy. But it is also very important not to ignore care before delivery.

My blood pressure program can help you in lowering stress, whether if you are expecting a healthy or a complicated delivery. The anxiety of the couple will be very much reduced with the help of the program.


Christian Goodman has lived his life to health research and found solutions to many serious conditions. You can learn more about him on his natural health alternatives blog hypertension remedies where you can learn about his solutions for several conditions such as hypertension, and also on how to lower blood pressure.

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