Some Little Known Facts About Plant Derived Minerals

The importance of vitamins to good health is widely known. But what is not known is that minerals are also essential to good health. Without minerals to act as catalysts many vitamins cannot perform their necessary functions. Minerals need to be in a form that can be readily absorbed by the body. Minerals commonly occur in a metallic form – which means that they resist interaction with water and are not always easily taken up by the body.

Plant derived minerals are rock minerals that have been broken down and digested by prehistoric plants and locked for millions of years in stratum of humic shale. These layers of shale are today’s source of these essential trace minerals. These plants lived at a time when the richness of soil and plants were able to support plants and “dinosaurs” of tremendous size. This is the mineral source and potency of prehistoric plant derived minerals. It provides as much as 60 additional trace minerals not found in most of today’s foods. Plant derived minerals should not be confused with metallic minerals which is sourced from clay, ground up rocks and soil, sea water, or the Great Salt Lake.

Although much has been written and discussed about metallic minerals, people are little aware about plant derived minerals. There are so many little known facts about plant derived minerals which greatly influences human life.

It is well known that Vitamin A is very essential for a healthy skin and eyes. A person with deficiency of Vitamin A usually has dry skin. Similarly, deficiency of Vitamin B gets manifested in the form of cracked and sore lips. Vitamin C is also essential for healthy skin. Apart from vitamins, diet should include minerals too. For example, iron makes the blood healthy. Consequently it imparts a healthy pink glow to the skin. Like wise, zinc is also important for healthy skin.

However, many people are not aware that vitamins are useless without minerals. Vitamin utilization requires minerals. Minerals control the body’s ability to absorb, and use vitamins. And without minerals, vitamins have no purpose, and are quickly eliminated from the body. It is a huge waste of money to gobble handfuls of high potency tablets, without backing them up with the right minerals. It’s like trying to run your car with a full tank of gas, but no oil in the engine. Lacking vitamins, the system can make some use of minerals, but without minerals, vitamins are useless.

It is also a fact that approximately 99% of the human body is com?prised of minerals, yet minerals are generally ignored when nutrition is considered. Human body needs at least 60 minerals in order to keep itself free from diseases and ail?ments.

It is also little known fact that there is a direct correlation between mineral deficiencies and illness, which has been well established now by many well-respected scientists, researchers and medical professionals. For example, diabetes or hypoglycemia involves chromium, zinc and vanadium deficiencies; cancer and heart disease involve selenium, copper, and more. Most of us know that osteoporosis involves a calcium deficiency, but fewer know about the need for magnesium and boron as well. Baldness and premature graying is also caused by missing minerals. Minerals are the cornerstone of good health, all prevention and recovery programs.

Many people are not aware that the over the counter mineral tablets contain metallic minerals which has very low absorption rate. As a matter of fact, only 8- 12 % of metallic minerals gets absorbed in the body. Whereas plant derived minerals are predigested which makes its absorption rate 100%. Health food industry developed a method in which metallic minerals were wrapped in amino acids and protein, which made its absorption rate slightly better as 50%. But, it should be noted that metallic minerals are derived from oyster shell, calcium carbonate, limestone, clay and sea salts. Some of them can have toxic effects on the body if too much amount is used. Plant derived minerals are totally free from any toxic material.

Plant derived minerals, also known as colloidal minerals, are essential for the human body as they provide support to many enzyme and cell functions. These minerals also provide structural matter for both teeth and bone formation. These minerals also help the nervous system by producing electrical signals to maintain body activity. They also help remove mineral deficiency from the human body. Deficiency can affect cell and enzymatic functions, nervous system by reduction in electrical pulses, hormone activities and vitamin utilization.

Off late, soap industry has started using plant derived minerals as an ingredient. These pre-digested organic plant derived ingredients are so minute that they can penetrate through the skin to the level of dermis, where the basal cells are born. The colloidal minerals are all organic predigested submicron particles that nourish the skin cells from inside the basal layer to the outer epidermis. These submicron particles make healing and treating of the skin from the inside out possible. In order to have healthy skin, the basal cells produced at this level must be nourished with all of the proper nutrients. The colloidal minerals can effectively penetrate to this layer. The new technological processing method, which produces this incredible new skin soap, creates the strongest mechanics for rejuvenating skin molecules ever! Human skin reproduces itself with new skin cells every 28 days. In less than a month of nourishing the skin from the inside out with the soap containing plant derived minerals, one will begin to see why this revolutionary soap is the best thing that ever happened to his skin.

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