Diet Guidelines For High Blood Pressure

There are several causes of high blood pressure, one of the most common being unhealthy food habits. Thus, goes without saying that following a proper diet can help in bringing back one’s blood pressure in the normal range. Following a diet plan that ensures low sodium intake can prove especially beneficial for people suffering from hypertension.

One of the best ways to reduce your sodium intake is by avoiding too much salt in your food. Salted snacks and ready to eat meals are the main culprits for high sodium intake in our diet and cutting them out will definitely do you good as it will also help you in weight management.

Some other food items that a person suffering from hypertension should avoid are processed foods, canned and pickled items, aerated drinks, instant soups and red meat. It is best to steer clear of fatty foods such as cheese spreads, butter and salt pork as they have high saturated fat content. It is also advisable to replace full fat milk with fat free or double toned milk. Use of low fat condiments can also help you lower your blood pressure.

Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your every day diet as mini meals so that you do not reach out for a packet of French fries or a burger every time you feel hungry. Opt for an apple or a handful of dry fruits every time you find yourself craving for a shortbread cookie. If you have a sweet tooth, indulge in flavoured yoghurt instead of digging in other sugary treats.

You can also lower your blood tension by consuming fibre rich food on a daily basis. Having cereals for breakfast is a good way to ensure that you meet your daily fibre requirement of 20 to 35 grams per day. High potassium and magnesium foods also help in combating hypertension.

Germaine Hudson is a renowned blood pressure expert from London and likes to write about blood pressure, hormonal problems, blood pressure management, and related subjects. Please visit her website for more information.

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