Is Bikram Yoga Safe For High Blood Pressure?

Bikram is said to have wonderful effects on people suffering from high blood pressure levels. It is believed to normalize the pressure of blood over time, which makes it an excellent alternative to medication. Caution should be used though by people suffering from hypertension when practicing hot yoga. Hot Yoga has been proven to be […]

Cure Hypertension – Natural Hypertension Remedies

Around the world people are suffering from this horrible symptom we call hypertension. Many people do not know they even have hypertension, as I did. It wasn’t until one day my doctor decided to do a blood pressure check on me as I was constantly having headaches. He then discovered that I had hypertension! My […]

Control Hypertension With Hypertension Exercises

High blood pressure and hypertension when left untreated is known as uncontrolled hypertension. In fact, according to recent research about 75 percent of the people suffering from hypertension in the U.S. do not get effective treatment to manage their high blood pressure. Uncontrolled hypertension is much more dangerous than you might think. One thing patients […]

Effective Techniques That Can Decrease Hypertension

If you are looking to decrease your hypertension, following these simple techniques is a good place to start in order to live a prolonged and happy life. Pay attention to your diet – Many foods have hidden ingredients and high levels of salt that you would not notice unless you read the packaging carefully. Salt […]

Natural Remedies Enlarged Prostate Part 1 Treatment may involve antibiotics, medications to shrink or relax the prostate or bladder, soaking in a warm tub of water and frequent ejaculation. The goal is to avoid reaching the point of urinary retention, where one cant urinate at all. Patients suffering from an enlarged prostate and who do not have kidney inflammation, […]

Acai Berry Diet For High Blood Pressure – Top Health Benefits to Cure Diseases & Clear Toxins

High blood pressure is typically attributable to increased toxicity in the cells which is caused by poor eating habits and overall unhealthy lifestyle. Because of the presence of toxins in the cells, they are forced to become dysfunctional and inflamed, leading to decreased capacity to regulate their own function and carry out their roles. In […]

"The Scarlet Letter" (1850) By Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804 – 1864)

The works of Nathaniel Hawthorne seem rather dated when one first reads him, but if one can forget about the rather heavy-handed, old-fashioned style then there still are gems to be found in some of his novels, especially “The Scarlet Letter”. His other large novel, “House of Seven Gables” (1851), I deem obsolete except to […]

Why Is Malignant Hypertension So Serious?

Malignant hypertension is the most serious form of hypertension and is a progressive rise in the blood pressure and rapidly leads to organ failure. If not properly treated malignant hypertension is generally fatal within five years and death usually comes from kidney failure, heart failure or brain hemorrage. Fortunately this form of hypertension is rare. […]

High Blood Pressure And Dizziness – What’s The Real Story?

High blood pressure and dizziness what’s the real story? Well ironically dizziness in relation to blood pressure probably has more in common with low pressure than actually high blood pressure. That being said it could be a serious problem and in many ways the fact that you’re suffering from dizziness and potential drops in blood […]