Vitamins in High Blood Pressure (HBP), Hypertension

Along with many other ingredients that are used in food the role of vitamins in reducing high blood pressure is also vital. There a lot of minerals that help to reduce the pressure of blood within our body. Like sodium chloride i.e. common salt is a misunderstood item and it is often thought that it increases blood pressure. But there is dietary limit to how much salt a person with high blood pressure must consume and if it is kept in check strictly then he would not need to panic or to discard salt permanently from his food items. After all the body needs sodium chloride biologically, and so it is a necessary mineral.

It is considered nowadays that the vitamin C has major role to play in reducing the blood pressure of the body. Many studies have been conducted to try and figure out the exact role of this vitamin when it comes to blood pressure and cardiovascular conditions. It has been proved from these studies that the blood pressure of a person is likely to be higher if he takes less vitamin C than he needs. Scientists have shown that a minimum amount of vitamin C is to be consumed by everyone in order to keep the blood pressure normal. In a person suffering from hypertension or high blood pressure this amount is all the more important for it will help control his blood pressure.

If a person takes more than 240 milligrams of vitamin C every day than he will have a much lesser chance of having high blood pressure than those who take about 60 milligrams or vitamin C a day. 240 milligrams of vitamin C a day is within the safe limits according to the doctors and the scientists.

Nowadays a heart patient and a patient suffering from hypertension are suggested to take vitamin and mineral supplements if he can not get the vitamin from the natural sources in his food. These vitamins and minerals are vitally important to prevent heart failure and stoke and to keep it working fine.

But it is important for everyone to first consult a physician and advisably a heart specialist and let him determine what vitamins and minerals you might be needing. It is certainly not a good idea to decide by yourself to start consuming vitamin C or any other vitamin without consulting your doctor. You might have some other problems and taking excessive amount of these vitamins might cause more trouble than help.

Vitamin A, vitamin D vitamin b-complex – all these are also prescribed to be consumed in a moderate level to help patients suffering from hypertension. The vitamin-mineral supplement treatment for hypertension is very popular these days and almost all the doctors suggest it. It is natural and therefore safer than any drug can be. 500 IU Vitamin A the basic formula of vitamins and mineral consists of 4000 mg Vitamin C, 400 IU Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin B15, niacin amide, Vitamin B1, pantothenic acid, Vitamin B2, 300 mcg folic acid, 100 mg vitamin B6, 100 mcg biotin and 500 mcg vitamin B12.

More muscle activity of the heart it needs nutrients and that is supplied by the various vitamins. Beta carotene i.e. vitamin A works as an anti-oxidant and therefore is good for the heart. Vitamin C also helps in the conversion of cholesterol and this is a very good thing for the heart. Vitamin E strengthens the heart muscles and keeps it protected from various diseases.

As the heart stays healthy and active it helps to keep the blood pressure in control.

Those are only a few strategies of many to help you lower and even successfully take control of your high blood pressure.

More simple yet powerful strategies and step-by-step instructions about what to do and how to do it right, you can find in a special report by Samuel Baron “Natural Treatment For Hypertension”.

Samuel Baron is a great fan of natural therapy, weight loss and dieting expert and the author of the special report “Natural Treatment For Hypertension” for those who suffer from high blood pressure and are aware of the dangers of conventional medical treatment and want to give a try to natural ways to take control of HBP.

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Natural treatment for hypertension, proven to work remedy, offers full 60 day course to start controlling your blood pressure with no drugs and medications