How to Lower Blood Pressure Without Medication Quickly

You have just been told you have high blood pressure and are faced with the choice of to take medication for life or to try an alternative approach. Learning how to lower blood pressure without medication can be confusing; your doctor tells you your only choice is to take medications for life. You deserve a fair chance without medication, the truth is medications can cause more harm than good.

So can I lower my blood pressure without medications?

Well that depends, I would say almost certainly you can. Most causes of hypertension are labeled as unknown, but the truth is nearly 95% of all cases of hypertension can be controlled naturally. Now please monitor your blood pressure and see what works for you, because high blood pressure can do some serious damage over many years to decades if left untreated. With that being said I feel pretty confident that you can lower your blood pressure without taking the poison your doctor prescribes you. Yes that’s right, I called it that, most prescription medications have very harmful side effects which could have been avoided.

How can I lower my blood pressure naturally?

Well for one if your over weight you need to go ahead and hit the gym, that could be your root problem right there. Some people can be skinny as a rail and still have a blood pressure problem, but if your over weight right now and suffer from hypertension then chances are you can lower your blood pressure just by losing weight. You need to make a choice, do you want to lose weight and fix your hypertension or take prescription medications for the rest of your life just because you did not want to lose weight? Trust me on this; prescription medications are not good for your health. Some view it as a quick fix and everything is going to be ok, but that’s not the truth. Lose the weight and avoid the pills please!

Besides losing weight how can I lower my high pressure?

Well let’s take a look at celery; this is one of the most powerful natural ways to lower your high numbers. Celery is a natural diuretic, but without the harmful side effects of the prescription version. Now in general if your lifestyles consist of fast food, chips and other junk foods you need to change that. You have no real chance of lowering your pressure unless you’re willing to eat right and drink a lot of water.

The power of water

Yes water can lower your high pressure greatly; many people are using a water fast for a week to lower your numbers by as much as 60 points! Now a 7 day water only fast is no stroll in the park, so this is only for the most dedicated people who want to lower their hypertension.

I want to know more about lowering my elevated pressure readings

The truth is I could name so many alternatives to lowering the elevated pressure naturally, but I could not fit it all in this article. I am not a doctor nor do I claim to be one, but I use to take prescription medications and suffered some really nasty side effects that sent me into a cycle of extreme research for years.

I can show you well respected doctors that tell the truth about medications

Yes that’s right, I actually have the link on my blog to some articles these doctors have written on high blood pressure medications. It will scare the heck out of you I bet, I know it did me when I read about it. Many popular drugs can cause diabetes, heart failure and other harmful effects. You can get all of those links and more information on lowering your hypertension naturally at my site below in my bio box. I have my email also on my site if you want to email me and ask me any questions, I hope I can help you because I’m pretty passionate about lowering your blood pressure naturally without medication use. Hope you find this article and my site useful. Good Luck on learning how to lower blood pressure without Medication use, its the healthy way to go!

John believes in using natural alternatives for lowering high blood pressure. You can see reputable doctors who agree and learn more ways to naturally lower your blood pressure at his site

About Cure HBP

Natural treatment for hypertension, proven to work remedy, offers full 60 day course to start controlling your blood pressure with no drugs and medications