Blood Pressure: Treatment for Elderly People

Does age in treating high blood pressure in elderly people make having in this treatment more difficult and is this age group more likely to have side effects from antihypertensive agents than their younger counterparts? In general, people in their 70s and older tolerate all drugs less well than younger people because their kidneys and […]

Why Are Essential Omega-3 Oils Missing in Our Diets?

Scientists are now discovering a vital difference between the sources of Omega 3’s and Omega 6’s. It has to do with “Springtime food,” which produces Omega 3’s and “Fall food,” which produces Omega 6’s. Springtime food gets your body ready for the work ahead – promoting cell regeneration, good circulation and increased metabolism – everything […]

Secret Natural Hypertension Treatments

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension has earned the title the silent killer. Hypertension is one of the most common chronic conditions in the United States today. It’s not only a very dangerous condition by itself, but the drugs prescribed to treat this condition also compound the dangers, because of the unwanted side effects. […]

Do High Blood Sugar Levels Affect Your Eyesight?

Blindness was once a common place complication of type 2 diabetes but now with good medical treatment and regular visits to an eye specialist, the risk of eye damage has decreased considerably. It now affects less than two per cent of people with diabetes. However, a large number of people suffering with type 2 diabetes […]

Live Longer Healthy Tips (From ABS-CBN Salamat Dok)

Advice on how to live longer in this Philippine TV show, Salamat Dok. Docs Willie and Liza Ong share 20 secrets to a long and happy life. 20.Be a type B personality. More relaxed and less stressed. 19.Check your vitamins and supplements. 18.Pray (in addition to seeking medical care) 17.Read up on your disease. 16.Get […]

Alternative High Blood Pressure Remedies That Work

The cost and many negative side effects associated with drugs prescribed to prevent and cure hypertension is making the search for alternative high blood pressure remedies very popular. Let’s take a look at the main alternative and natural (non-pharmaceutical) methods for lowering blood pressure. There are two main approaches to these alternative remedies: exercise and […]

Are You In The Right Blood Pressure Range?

High blood pressure is like many health conditions; each person will be able tolerate different ranges of blood pressure levels and they will have differing effects on each persons body. There are some guidelines that can help the medical community apply a standard approach dependent upon the blood pressure range they fit within. This can […]

People consuming the most potassium were 35% less liikely to die from coronary heart disease Hi, this is Larry Hobbs @ The one-fifth of people consuming the most potassium were 35% less likely to die from coronary heart disease than the one-fifth of people consuming the least. The top one-fifth consumed an average of 3363 mg of potassium per day versus 1720 mg per day for the bottom […]

Lower Your Blood Pressure Without Dangerous Drugs Pressure Perfect combines the powerful drug-free combination of therapeutic paced breathing exercises and handgrip isometric exercises to naturally help us to lower our blood pressure. Comparable paced breathing products can cost as much as 0 or more, the Pressure Perfect sells for less than ! Video Rating: 3 / 5